WKF WORLD KICKBOXING, BOXING, MMA, EXTREME COMBAT SPORTS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2025. COLOMBO, SRI LANKA (ASIA). Monday 6th to Monday 13th October, 2025. WKF World Head Office (Perth, Australia) is proud to announce the upcoming WKF (World Kickboxing Federation) Amateur World Championships for all the...
WKF AFGHANASTAN PROUDLY PRESENTS: WKF Afghanistan National Kickboxing Championships Saturday 20th December, 2024. WKF Afghanistan President and International Promoter Mr Masood Saeedi Ghooryani is proud to announce the upcoming WKF Afghanistan National Kickboxing Championships, to be held in the Herat Province, Afghanistan. This WKF Event has been put together...
WKF ECUADOR PROUDLY PRESENTS “OLIMPIADAS De ARTES MARCIALES”. WKF Ecuador Amateur National Championships Where: Quito, Ecuador (South America) When: Saturday 14th December, 2024 Promoter: Mr Edison Omar Jiminez Benavidez WKF Ecuador President and registered WKF International Promoter Mr Edison Omar Jiminez Benavidez proudly presents “OLIMPIADAS De ARTES MARCIALES” WKF...
“EXCLUSIVE” INTRODUCTION OF THE “NEW” WKF “BOXING” RULES BOOK “Updated 28th January, 2025”! In a “WORLD FIRST”, the WKF (World Kickboxing Federation) Head Office, headed by Mr Robert Wilesmith (WKF World CEO/President), has introduced the “NEW” WKF BOXING into the WKF Global Business that will capture the World, attracting...
DO YOU WANT TO PROMOTE A WKF AMATEUR or PRO WORLD TITLE EVENT IN YOUR COUNTRY? UPDATED: 1st January, 2024 Are you a Promoter? A Fighter? Are you registered with the WKF and RANKED on our WKF World Rankings? If you are and have a great fighting record in...
WKF World Kickboxing Federation OFFICIAL PROFESSIONAL Muaythai, K1, Full-Contact, Low-Kick RULES BOOK. (Updated 28th January, 2025). Introduction This Rulebook replaces all previously issued rules. It also reflects the official WKF Amateur Competition Rules. Our WKF has “Nothing” to do with Global Scammer Mr Fritz Exenberger. The WKF is owned...