WKF – World Kickboxing Federation “OFFICIAL” FORMS “ALL STYLES” TATAME MATS RULEBOOK as of 12/03/2017


Edition March 2017





This Rulebook replaces all previously issued rules. It also reflects the official WKF World Amateur Competition Rules. These current rules are valid for all member states. Consideration can be given to local legal requirements and obligations if required. The official language of the IRC is English. This Rulebook can be translated in to other languages by the IRC. In case of any discrepancies, the official English version shall prevail. Without the specific written consent of either WKF or the IRC, this Rulebook shall not be copied, published or distributed. This includes electronic, digital, physical or any other duplication forms. This Rulebook can be ordered free through the official WKF World Kickboxing Federation Head Office at: wkfworld@wkf.org.au. Copyright World Kickboxing Federation Limited – Mr. Robert WILESMITH : WKF World Advisory Board Director.

Traditional – no Music

  1. FHS – Forms Hard Style Japanese
  2. FKO – Forms Korean
  3. FVT – Forms Veterans traditional
  4. FVW – Forms Veterans traditional weapon
  5. FSS – Forms Soft Style traditional
  6. FWT – Forms Weapons traditional

Creative – with Music

  1. FFS – Forms Freestyle
  2. FFW – Forms Freestyle Weapons

Creative – no Music

  1. CRE – Forms creative
  2. CRW – Forms creative Weapons

Traditional Forms
A person performing a form must express and demonstrate a mentally and physically realistic approach to the various defence scenarios he/she is trying to emulate. The moves within the Form must be appropriate to the style being performed. Techniques should be performed with full power, focus and explosiveness. When executing the form all basic techniques should be performed logically and be relative to the selected Form. The Competitor’s name, the name of the form and club, (or country) must be announced to Judges in all styles. In all sections 4 people will qualify for the final, and will perform again in reverse order. It is optional at National level that the winner can be decided after only one round. In all World level competitions, wherever rankings are available, heats must be seeded. A Referee for Forms must have traditional background, and be a minimum 1st degree Black Belt or similarly. It is at the host country’s discretion i.e. the promoter, to decide if mats are to be used on the area or not. Valid traditional WKF forms like Japanese, Okinawa or Korean are listed on the official “WKF selected listing of official Okinawa Japanese Hard style and Korean Forms” All creative forms with and without music, with and without weapons, and any so called traditional styles which are not listed, must be performed only in division nine, creative forms no music. Any traditional form must be announced according the style. For example Shotokan Kata Bassai-Dai cannot be done in Korean or Taekwondo style. Same procedure for traditional Kobudo forms. Only such traditional forms listed in the WKF selected Kobudo forms list are valid. Others must be performed in division ten, creative forms weapons no music.

Five judges scoring with the highest and lowest scores taken away. Points are given to one decimal place. In preliminary rounds will range between 6,0 and 8,0 (starting point 7), in finals between 8,0 and 9,9 (starting point 9). In all sections only 4 people will qualify for the finals. Current World ranked competitions will be seeded. For example, the World ranked No. 1 will go last. In the finals, the competitors will be seeded according to their score in the heats. In the case of a draw in Hardstyle and Softstyle, the competitors will be asked to do a second and different form. At National and International level, all competitors should be able to perform at least two different Forms. If the competitor does not show a different form, he can repeat the first form with a penalty of 0,5 being deducted by each Judge. You can repeat the same Form or Kata in all creative categories. If the competitor is using a weapon and the weapon is dropped, this will be deemed a lack of control and a penalty minus of 0.5 will be deducted from their score by each Judge. If the competitor is using a pair of weapons ( e.g. Kama or Sai ) they may not clash together clumsily or a penalty of 0.5 will be deducted by each judge. This also applies in creative divisions. A time keeper will be appointed, if necessary. Judges will not be blinded by shouting at every technique; this does not constitute strength.

Presentation – Dress code
The competitor must wear a martial arts uniform. No T-shirts may be worn, including club T-shirts. The uniform must be clean and pressed. Belt of appropriate grade must be worn, no jewellery may be worn. No costumes may be used, no special effects i.e. dry ice, lasers, smoke etc. No dance moves are to be included in your form, The Competitor must announce Style, Club or Country, according to whether competition is National or International. The Competitor must show good etiquette at all times in the presentation, performance or application of Kata or Form.

While on or around the mat the competitor should show respect and discipline at all times. Respect must be shown to the other competitors. Expected mat etiquette will consist of the Competitor bowing upon entering the competition area and approaching the Judges. The Competitor should perform the introduction – see General rules. Competitor should then ask for permission to begin, bow to the judges and get ready to begin the Form. Competitor must show Martial Arts discipline at all times. They must maintain focus and concentration on what they are doing. Upon completion of the Form, the Competitor should wait for the Judges’ permission to leave the floor.


Karate Forms must be using traditional moves only. A traditional Form / Kata must resemble a traditional work, an adaptation will be acceptable if added moves are of a traditional nature. A high kick cannot be higher than the top of the Competitor’s own head. A creative form is not acceptable (no machine-gun kicking etc…). A traditional Gi or Dobok must be worn. There will be no use of weapons. No music is allowed, there is no time limit. When Scoring, Judges should be looking for:

  • Basic techniques, Stances , Punches , Kicks executed with balance, Blocks, Balance, Strength, Focus and good transition between moves.


Korean Hardstyle Forms must be using traditional moves only. A traditional Korean Form / poomse / tul must resemble a traditional work. An adaptation will be acceptable if added moves are of a traditional nature. A high kick can be higher than the top of the competitor’s own head. A creative form is not acceptable (no machine-gun kicking etc…). A traditional Gi or Dobok must be worn. There will be no use of weapons. No music is allowed, there is no time limit. When Scoring, Judges should be looking for:

Basic techniques, Stances, Punches , Kicks executed with balance, Blocks, Balance, Strength, Focus and good transition between moves.


Veterans’ forms must be performed using traditional and acceptable moves only. Every competitor must be 35 Years or older. A Traditional Kata / Poomse / Hyong must be performed. An adaptation will be acceptable if added moves are of a traditional nature of the style. A high kick can’t be higher than the top of the Competitor’s own head. A creative form is not acceptable (no machine-gun kicking etc…). A traditional Gi, Dobok or Wu-Shu uniform must be worn. There will be no use of weapons. No music is allowed, there is no time limit. When Scoring, Judges should be looking for:

  • Basic Techniques, Stances, Punches, Kicks executed with balance, Blocks, Balance, Strength, Focus and good transition between moves.

Veterans’ forms must be performed using traditional and acceptable moves only. Every competitor must be 35 Years or older. A Traditional Kata / Poomse / Hyong must be performanced. An adaptation will be acceptable if added moves are of a traditional nature of the style. A high kick cannot be higher than the top of the Competitor’s own head. A creative form is not acceptable (no machine-gun kicking etc…). A traditional Gi, Dobok or Wu-Shu uniform must be worn. The weapon must be used through whole Form and is to be kept in constant use. Traditional weapons used in traditional forms should respect traditional forms e.g. the BO made of wood in length 1,80 cm, or Sai made of metal etc. and not home made “weapons” .The Judges have the right to inspect weapons prior to starting a form.

Scoring:  the form will be scored on the use of the weapon, not Kicks and other techniques. Manipulation of the weapon, speed of the techniques, degree of difficulty, good control, etiquette, balance, basics stances, strength and focus.

Gymnastic type moves are permissible, provided that they are within the style for i.e. Wu-Shu, but they must be practical and form part of that style. An adaptation is acceptable if added moves are traditional to the soft style being performed.

  • A traditional uniform must be worn. There will be no use of weapons. No music is allowed.
  • There is a three minute maximum time limit. A Timekeeper will be appointed.
  • A creative form is not acceptable (no machine-gun kicking etc…).
  • When Scoring, Judges should be looking for: good flowing Techniques, Stances, Punches, Kicks executed with balance, Blocks, Balance, Strength, Focus and good transition between moves.


Weapon traditional forms must use traditional moves only. A traditional form / Kata must resemble a traditional work, an adaptation will be acceptable if added moves are traditional. A high kick cant be higher than the top of his/her own head. A creative form is not acceptable, no machine-gun kicking etc. A traditional GI, Dobok or Wu-Shu uniform must be worn, use of weapons is compulsory, no music is allowed. The use of stage props such as Lasers, Smoke, Fire or “ dry Ice “ is not permitted . No dance moves or theatrical costumes are allowed. The duration of a weapon traditional form must be between 1 and 3 minutes. The time starts with the first move of the form, not the announcement. A timekeeper will be appointed. All used weapons must be safe and clean and recognised within martial arts. Traditional weapons used in traditional forms should respect traditional forms e.g. the BO made of wood in length 1,80 cm, or Sai made of metal etc. and not home made “weapons” .The judges have the right to inspect weapons prior to starting a form. scoring: the form will be scored on the use of the weapon, not Kicks and other techniques. Manipulation of the weapon , speed of the techniques, degree of difficulty , good control, showmanship, balance, basics stances, strength and focus.

Creative Forms
Creative forms are:
Freestyle forms with music, with and without weapons, and Creative forms no music, with and without weapons. In the result of a draw for first second or third, the Form will be repeated again and scored between the two competitors who have tied. Highest score will win the tied position. In the result of a second tie, Judges will show hands. Competitor performing a Form must express a mentally and physically realistic approach to the various imaginary opponents in their form. Techniques should be performed where necessary with full power, focus and explosiveness. When executing the Form, all basic techniques must be performed logically. Kiai’s or shouts should be included in a form but not on every single move. Judges will be looking for basic techniques, stances, speed and cleanness of execution. Tricks or gymnastics whilst being high risk and high difficulty must be performed with accuracy throughout. A Form should be fluid and continuous, time spent standing still should be kept to a minimum. All aspects of the person’s physical ability will be taken in to account, such as flexibility, strength, speed, stamina and attitude. Creativeness is encouraged and high risk moves and combinations will score highly if executed without fault. Weapons forms will be scored primarily on the weapon usage. Manipulation and creativity with the weapon should be your main focus during a weapons form. The weapon cannot be left unattended once a form has begun.

Time of Form
All creative sections are permitted no more than thirty second introduction. This time starts from the first foot on the mat. The minimum time allowed for all creative forms is 1 minute, maximum of 3 minutes. This time will begin from the first move after the Judges have given permission to begin. Should the time be over or under in any part, a deduction of 0.5 will be made from the Form by all Judges.

A release is classified as the weapon intentionally leaving contact with the body to be thrown in the air or momentarily balanced on the floor. A throw release must be released and caught with control, should the weapon be dropped a score of 0.5 will be deducted from the final score by each judge. Should the weapon leave the competition area then the person will be disqualified. A balance release is the weapon being balanced on the ground, i.e. a Bo staff being stood upright. Should the staff fall to the ground, this will be classed as a drop and 0.5 will be removed from the final score by each judge.

Must fit in with the form being performed, synchronisation to music is high compulsory and will show a greater level of preparation. No music containing swearing or derogatory or inflammatory comments may be used; this will result in a disqualification.

FFS – Free Style Empty Hand – with music
A self made Form to music with no gymnastics. The Free style Empty Hand Form should contain only the use of standard martial arts techniques, along with the individual’s creative variation. Music must be used and the choreography to the music is of high importance for the scoring. The use of weapons is strictly forbidden. The use of stage props such as Lasers, Smoke, Fire or “Dry Ice“, is not permitted. No dance moves or theatrical costumes are allowed. The duration of a free style form must be between 1 and 3 minutes. The time starts with the first move of the form, not the announcement. A Timekeeper will be appointed.

Judges should be looking for:
Synchronisation to the music, showmanship, speed of the techniques, degree of difficulty, basic hands and feet techniques, balance, basic stances, strength and focus All the above are to be executed with strength and power according to the basic technique.

FFW – Freestyle Weapon – (with Music)
A self made Weapons Form to music using no gymnastics. The Free style Weapon Form should contain only the use of standard martial arts techniques, along with the individual’s creative variation. The weapon may be released a maximum of three times. The weapon must be used through whole Form and is to be kept in constant use. Standard use of the weapon along with the individual’s creative manipulation will be the primary scoring points. Music and weapons must be used and the choreography to the music is highly important for the scoring. The use of stage props such as Lasers, Smoke, Fire or “dry Ice“, is not permitted. No dance moves or theatrical costumes are allowed. The duration of a Freestyle Form must be between 1 and 3 minutes. The time will start with the first move of the Form, not the announcement.

A Timekeeper will be appointed.
All weapons used must be safe and clean and recognised within Martial Arts. The Judges have the right to inspect weapons prior to starting a Form. Failure to show basic strikes and stances will result in the form being marked down.

Judges should be looking for:
Synchronisation to the music , manipulation of the weapon , speed of the techniques, degree of difficulty, showmanship, balance, basics stances, strength and focus. The form will be scored on the use of the weapon, not Kicks and other techniques.

CRE – Creative Empty Hand – (no Music)
A self made Form without music, with no gymnastic moves. The Creative Empty Hand Form should contain only the use of standard martial arts techniques, along with the individual’s creative variation. All creative forms without music and without weapons, and any so called traditional styles are not listed must be performed only in this division of creative forms. All Karate, Korean and Wushu forms may have traditional moves only. It must consist traditional techniques, stance and blocks. No machine gun kicks etc. In this kind of forms the competitor must wear a martial arts uniform The use of weapons is strictly forbidden. The use of stage props such as Lasers, Smoke, Fire or “Dry Ice“, is not permitted. The duration of a creative form must be between 1 and 3 minutes. The time starts with the first move of the form, not the announcement. A Timekeeper will be appointed.

Judges should be looking for:
Showmanship, speed of the techniques, degree of difficulty, basic hands and feet techniques, balance, basic stances, strength and focus. Traditional performance in all styles by traditional forms. All the above are to be executed with strength and focus according to the basic technique.

CRW – Creative Weapons – (no Music)
A self made Form without music but with weapons, with no gymnastic moves. The Creative weapon Form should contain only the use of standard martial arts techniques, along with the individual’s creative variation. All creative forms without music and with weapons, and any so called traditional Kobudo styles are not listed , must be performed only in this division of creative weapon forms. All Karate, Korean and Wushu weapon forms may have traditional moves only. It must consist traditional techniques, stance and blocks. No machine gun kicks etc. In this kind of forms the competitor must wear a martial arts uniform. Weapon must be used and is highly important for the scoring. The use of stage props such as Lasers, Smoke, Fire or “Dry Ice“, is not permitted. The duration of a creative form must be between 1 and 3 minutes. The time starts with the first move of the form, not the announcement. A Timekeeper will be appointed.

Judges should be looking for:
Manipulation of the weapon, speed of the weapon techniques, showmanship, degree of difficulty, basic hand and feet techniques, balance, basics stances, strength and focus. Traditional performance in all Kobudo styles by traditional forms. The form will be scored on the use of the weapon, not Kicks and other techniques.

A decision rendered at the termination of any forms contest is final, and cannot be changed unless the WKF A1 Supervisor at the Event, determines that any one of the following occurred:

  • There was collusion affecting the results of any category.
  • There was a clear violation of the rules or regulation governing WKF Form rules book which affected the result of any category.
  • The adding of the points is incorrect.

If the WKF A1 Supervisor or Commissioner determines that any of the above occurred with regard to any bout, then the decision rendered shall be changed as the WKF Representative or Commissioner may direct. All protests over the decision of a match shall be verbally registered only by the protesting Sportsman and / or his Coach to the WKF Supervisor or head referee prior to the end of the event. All protests must be received at the appropriate WKF World Head Office, in writing and accompanied by all pertinent evidence, no later than 10 days following the bout in question. No protest will be considered unless accompanied by the appropriate fee: $100.00US. Any decision by the WKF A1 Supervisor is “Final”. The standard for review is “clear” evidence which would justify a change of decision, or “clear” circumstances which in the best interest of the sport, would justify a change in decision. Any questions on the rules of the WKF should be directed to the attended WKF A1 Supervisor.

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