WKF MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) PROFESSIONAL RULES Rule Book (Updated 28th January, 2025)


WKF – World Kickboxing Federation


“Updated 28th January, 2025”



This Rulebook replaces all previously issued rules. It also reflects the official WKF Amateur Competition Rules. Our WKF has “Nothing” to do with Global Scammer Mr Fritz Exenberger. The WKF is owned solely by the WKF World CEO/President Mr Robert Wilesmith at WKF World Head Office, in Mandurah East, WA Australia.

This Book of MMA Rules also reflects the official WKF Pro MMA competition Rules. These current rules are valid for all Member States. Consideration can be given to local legal requirements and obligations if required. The official language of the IRC is English. This Rule book can be translated in to other languages by the IRC. In case of any discrepancies, the official English version shall prevail. Without the specific written consent of either WKF or the IRC, this Rule book shall not be copied, published or distributed. This includes electronic, digital, physical or any other duplication forms. This Rule book can be ordered free by email at: admin@wkf.org.au.


Copyright World Kickboxing Federation Limited – Robert WILESMITH: WKF World CEO / Advisory Board Director



The fighting area floor shall be padded in a manner as approved by the WKF. A standard MMA type cage or boxing ring with minimum 4 ropes is allowed subject to WKF approval. A fifth rope above the floor is recommended. Padding must extend over the edge of the platform. The fighting area must have a canvas covering. No vinyl or other plastic rubberized covering will be permitted.


The ring platform shall be at least 70 cm above the floor of the building and shall be provided with suitable steps or ramp for use by the fighters. Ring-side tables must be no higher than cage platform level and must run the full length of all sides of the cage.


The promoter of the event will be responsible for ensuring acceptable sanitary standards are met, with respect to dressing rooms, showers, water bottles, towels or other equipment. Physicians and WKF Representatives are to make a particular examination at every event for violations of these rules. The cage must be swept, dry-mopped, or otherwise adequately cleaned before the event and prior to the fights.




WKF licensing is mandatory for all fighters and promoters. All fighters must sign an WKF approved liability waiver for each bout.


Any fighter who is currently under suspension by the WKF or by any athletic commission will not be permitted to participate in any WKF event for the duration of the suspension.




Any fighter applying for eligibility to compete in an WKF Event must be examined by a Physician/Doctor certified by the WKF, to establish both physical and mental fitness for competition.

  • PAPER WEIGHT:                      Under  43.0kg
  • ATOM WEIGHT:                       43.1kg – 48.0kg
  • STRAW WEIGHT:                    48.1kg – 52.0kg
  • FLYWEIGHT:                             52.1kg – 54.0kg
  • SUPER FLYWEIGHT:              54.1kg – 57.0kg
  • BANTAMWEIGHT:                   57.1kg – 61.0kg
  • FEATHERWEIGHT:                 61.1kg – 66.0kg
  • LIGHTWEIGHT:                        66.1kg – 70.0kg
  • WELTERWEIGHT:                   70.1kg – 77.0kg
  • MIDDLEWEIGHT:                    77.1kg – 84.0kg
  • LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT:        84.1kg – 93.0kg
  • HEAVYWEIGHT:                       93.1kg – 110.0kg
  • SUPER HEAVYWEIGHT:        Over 110.1kg+



Fighters will be weighed on at least two hours before the fight, or 24 hours before the match, at a time to be determined by the WKF, on the same scales at the same time. Both fighters, Coaches/Trainers and WKF A1 Supervisor must compulsory attend the weigh-in.


No fighter shall participate in an WKF Pro MMA Event, if he/she is less than 18 years of age. All fighters seeking eligibility to compete in an WKF Event must provide proof of age with official pass port or photo ID card.


All fighters, or representative second, must attend the Pre-fight meeting held by the WKF Representative. This meeting will typically be following the weigh-in, or during the afternoon before the event. In addition, fighters will be required to report for physicals, and to their dressing rooms, at the time specified by the WKF A1 Representative. All fighters, once they report to the WKF A1 Representative or Supervisor in charge of dressing rooms immediately prior to the start of an event, are not to leave the facility, and are subject to urinalysis and fines, if they do not remain in approved areas.


All fighters must be clean and present a tidy appearance. Only Vaseline may be applied lightly, and only to the face of a fighter. No other product may be permitted. Fingernails and toenails must be well trimmed.


Fighters who are declared ineligible for their bouts due to excessive weight, misrepresented age, physical incapacity’s pre-known to the fighter, or other wilful violation of WKF regulations, will be subject to fines and suspension by the WKF A1 Supervisor. Unless otherwise specified in the fighter’s contract, the WKF Promoter will have no obligation to the ineligible fighters, and may demand reimbursement from the fighter for any expenses pre-paid by the WKF Promoter. The Promoter will, however, be obligated to pay the expenses of the opposing fighter who presents himself properly, plus any cancellation settlements if provided for in that fighters contract. Fighters who are disqualified during their bout for wilful gross rule violations, or unprofessional performance, or who represent themselves improperly following their bout, may be subject to the same penalties, with the approval of the WKF A1 Supervisor.


Fighters and or Trainers who are on disciplinary suspension may not participate in any function of a match for the duration of the suspension. They may not be in the locker room or at ringside in any role or capacity.




The attending physician will have a suitable place or room in which to make his examinations. His fees shall include temporary or emergency treatment to any injured fighter in the arena or dressing room. The fees for such examination shall be borne by the Promoter. The Physician / Doctor to be retained must have been the recipient of an M.D. or D.O. degree, or recognized international equivalent.


A thorough physical and eye examination will be given to each fighter by the attending physician at the time of weigh-in.


Any fighter who participates in a WKF Sanctioned Event, may, at the request of the WKF A1 Supervisor, be required to submit to a Pre-fight or post-fight blood and/or urine examination for foreign substance. Any fighter who refuses to submit to the examination will be immediately suspended for a length of time as specified by the WKF, and will be subject to disciplinary action.


Should any fighter examined prove unfit for competition, the fighter must be rejected, and an immediate report of the fact made to the promoter and the WKF A1 Supervisor. The examining physician will, one hour before the start of any event, clarify in writing to the WKF A1 Supervisor that the fighters are in good physical condition.


Whenever a fighter, because of injury or illness, is unable to take part in a bout for which he is under contract, he or his manager must immediately report the fact to the WKF. The fighter will then submit to an examination by a physician designated by the WKF. The examination fee of the physician is to be paid by the fighter, or the WKF Promoter, if the latter requests an examination.


At least one licensed Physician, Doctor possessing an M.D. or equivalent Medical Degree, and one standby emergency mobile unit with appropriate personnel and equipment, must be in attendance at all WKF Sanctioned events. The use of two Physicians at ringside is strongly recommended. The mobile unit must include a full range of resuscitation equipment and be parked inside or adjacent to an entrance of the building hosting the event. The Physician(s) must sit at immediate ringside throughout the duration of the bouts. A stretcher (backboard and neck brace) and oxygen tank, and containers of “instant ice”, should be readily available at ringside. No bout will be allowed to proceed unless the physician is in his seat. The Physician shall not leave until after the decision in the final bout. He shall be prepared to assist if any serious emergency arises, and will render temporary or emergency treatments for cuts or minor injuries sustained by the fighters. Under no circumstances are the fighters seconds permitted to enter the ring, or to attend to a fighter in any manner whatsoever, during the course of a bout (outside of the rest periods). The ringside Physician can inspect and injury, but not render treatment to an injured fighter during the course of a fight.


All attending physicians must report all cases in which the fighters have been injured during a bout, or have applied for medical aid after an event. If a fighter has suffered a knockout, or any other severe injuries whether in or out of the ring, and whether or not connected with WKF, and has on such account been treated by his personal physician or has been hospitalized, he and his manager must promptly submit to the WKF a full report from such physician or hospital.



  • In NO Professional bouts the referee may administer a standing 8 count to a fighter who is in trouble.
  • If a fighter is obviously knocked-out by a any punch, elbow or kick, the fight is over.
  • If the attack was correct we have a clear winner.
  • In case of injury see the injury rule in Section 6 / 5.
  • Fighters who have been knocked out will be kept lying down until they have recovered.
  • When a fighter is knocked out, no one will touch him except the referee who will remove his mouthpiece, until the ringside physician enters the ring and personally attends the fallen fighter and issues such instructions as he sees fit to the fighter’s handlers.
  • If a fighter suffers an injury, has been knocked out, or has participated in an unusually punishing bout, or if a technical knockout decision has been rendered against him by the referee, such fighter will be placed on the ill and unavailable list for such period of time as may be recommended by any approved WKF physician who may examine him.
  • A fighter who loses a bout by head knockout will be suspended from competition by the WKF for a minimum of 30 to 90 days.
  • A fighter who loses a bout by technical knockout will be suspended for 30 days, or longer, if substantial head or body trauma was involved.
  • Any fighter rejected by an examining physician will be suspended until it is shown that he is fit for further competition.
  • Any fighter suspended for 30 or 60 days for his medical protection, or suspended for a hard fight will take the same examination as required for the eligibility physical, except as directed by the WKF.
  • The physician may require any other procedure, including an electroencephalogram, if indicated.

Use by a fighter of any of the substances listed as illegal by the American Association of Boxing Commissions, or any other illegal drugs, will result in disqualification from his bout, and fines and suspension by the WKF World Head Office (Mandurah East, WA Australia).




Apparel proved by the WKF Representative must be worn by all fighters upon entering the ring. Any fighter presenting themselves in attire deemed inappropriate may be fined by the WKF A1 Supervisor, and will not compete in their bout until they present themselves according to regulations. No shoes, No shirts for male contestants, No metal zippers on shorts, No rings, jewellery, or items other than those authorized may be worn.

  • All gloves must be of a professional quality and must be approved by the WKF Representative.
  • All gloves must be made so as to fit the hands of any fighter whose hands may be unusual in size.
  • The make and type of all gloves must be approved in advance by the WKF Representative.
  • All gloves for Title fights will be provided by the promoter in red and blue and distributed to the fighters according to their assigned corner color.
  • The referee must inspect and approve any tape used on the gloves. If the gloves have been used previously, they must be whole, clean and subject to inspection by the referee or by the WKF A1 Supervisor as to condition. If found imperfect, they shall be changed before the bout starts.
  • No breaking, roughing, or twisting of gloves shall be permitted.


The wrapping of hands is allowed according to the following specifications:

  • Fighters who wish to wrap their hands shall be responsible for their own gauze and tape.
  • Gauze shall be of the soft or soft-stretch type, and shall not exceed 2 inches in width.
  • Tape shall be of the soft adhesive type and shall not exceed 1.5 inches in width.
  • One roll of gauze, and not more than two yards of tape, are the maximum allowable amounts for each hand.
  • No other materials, including pre-made hand wraps, shall be allowed; nor shall any amounts exceeding those listed be allowed under any circumstances.
  • Gauze shall be for the protection of the hand only, and the amount shall be the discretion of the WKF A1 Supervisor.
  • Tape shall be present only to hold the gauze in place, and no more than one layer of tape be allowed on the striking surface of the hand and only 1 strip between the fingers not to exceed 1/4 in width and 4″ in length.
  • The wrapping of feet / ankles is not mandatory.
  • Fighters who wish to wrap their feet/ankles shall be responsible for their own gauze and tape or may use an approved neoprene ankle brace.
  • Gauze shall be of the soft or soft-stretch type, and shall not exceed 2” in width.
  • Tape shall be of the soft adhesive type and shall not exceed 1.5” in width.
  • Up to 6’ of tape may be used to wrap each foot and ankle.
  • The use of foot gear or soft shoes is prohibited.
  • The WKF A1 Supervisor, or his designee, must inspect all hand and foot/ankle wrappings, and mark with a pen.

                5. GROIN PROTECTORS and MOUTHPIECE

  • All fighters male and female are required to wear an approved groin protector. A plastic cup with an athletic supporter is adequate.
  • Chest guards for woman are voluntary, but high recommend by WKF.
  • Mouth guard is compulsory, all fighters must wear fitted mouthpieces.



  • Each fighter may have up to three seconds of his choice and each second, while assisting the fighter must wear an WKF approved uniform (subject to the approval of the WKF A1 Supervisor), must present a neat and tidy appearance, provide a pail, tape, water bottle and other equipment necessary to perform his function.
  • Seconds may not sit, stand on, lean on or touch the cage apron during the course of the bout, nor otherwise interfere physically or verbally with the bout or the duties of the officials.
  • Seconds must remain in designated areas assigned to them by the WKF A1 Supervisor during the bout.
  • The WKF A1 Supervisor may levy fines and/or disqualification of the fighter for improper and unprofessional conduct by the seconds. 

                7. THROWING IN THE TOWEL

A manager or chief second may toss a towel or sponge into the ring in token of the defeat of his principal.



  • A maximum of five rounds will be scheduled for each bout with each round lasting a maximum of five minutes.
  • Rest periods between rounds will one minute.
  • In case of a draw, one extra round is usual.
  • The fight continues until one fighter submits, his corner throws in the towel, the referee stops the fight, or in case of knock-out, or the doctor stops the contest, or the time limit of the rounds expires.
  • The time runs continuously and may be called or stopped only by the referee in special cases, such as equipment malfunction or commitment of a foul.
  • Immediately before the bout commences, the referee will call the fighters to the centre of the ring and address them for the final time before the bout commences.
  • The fighters will then return to their corner and wait for the referee’s command to begin.
  • The referee will signal the timekeeper and the bout will commence.
  • The referee will supervise the action of the bout insuring that it is conducted adhering to all of the safety and fairness rules, regulations and policies.
  • Closed hand strikes to the head and body
  • Kicking to the head, body and legs
  • Elbows to the head, body and legs
  • Knees to the head, body and legs
  • Throws / Take downs / Sweeps
  • Standing Submissions
  • Arm bars and locks
  • Shouldering
  • Chokes


  • Closed hand strikes to body and legs
  • Kicks and knee strikes to the body and legs
  • Elbows to the head in title fights only
  • Submissions (chokes, arm bars/locks, straight leg locks ONLY)


  • Linear Kicks to knees, Stomps on feet, Groin strikes, head butting
  • Intentionally Hitting back of head, Spine or kidney strikes
  • Excessive Slamming – moving forward once an opponent is elevated in order to create more damage from the takedown
  • Throws onto head or neck (spiking), Throws against a joint
  • Throwing out of competition area, Neck cranks (turning the neck)
  • Holding ropes or cage, pinching, biting, gouging, and anything that might be considered “dirty fighting” fish hooking, Grabbing or holding the uniform or protective padding.


  • Kicks and knees to the head
  • Elbow strikes to head ( just in title fights allowed)
  • Neck cranks (twisting the neck)
  • Heel hooks, Finger locks, Toe locks
  • Choking with hand on throat or Smothering (hand over mouth)
  • Spine locks, Hammer locks, Fish hooks, Groin strikes, Spine strikes
  • Throwing out of competition area
  • Pinching, biting, gouging, and anything that might be considered “dirty fighting”
  • Grabbing or holding the uniform or protective padding
  • Anything not expressly included above as legal techniques may be considered a foul, including but not limited to:

Eye gouging, spiting and biting, hair pulling, groin attacks, joint attacks, striking to the spine or back of the head, throat strikes or grabbing the trachea, clawing, striking the kidneys, holding the fence, attacking the opponent while he is under the care of the referee, attacking after the bell, disregarding the instructions of the referee, interference from the corner man and any unsportsmanlike behavior.

                 8. FOULS (other than those mentioned above)

  • Fouls, at the discretion of the referee, based on the intent of the fighter committing.
  • The foul and the result of the foul, may cause time to be stopped in the bout and warnings, recuperation time and / or disqualification being issued.

Fouls result in a point being deducted by the official scorekeeper from the offending contestant’s score. (The judges should only make notations of points deducted by the referee, for each round). Only a referee can assess a foul. If the referee does not call the foul, judges must not make that assessment on their own. A fouled fighter has up to five minutes to recuperate.

  • If a foul is committed:
  • The referee shall call time
  • The referee shall check the fouled contestant’s condition and safety
  • The referee shall then assess the foul to the offending contestant, deduct points, and notify the corner men, judges and official scorekeeper
  • IF a bottom contestant commits a foul, unless the top contestant is injured, the fight will continue. If top contestant is injured, he will be give his recovery time and then put back into top position if able to continue.

NOTE: A fighter who executes a fouling technique which is deemed malicious (with the intent of causing injury above and beyond the scope reasonably expected in a bout of this nature), may be subject to bearing the medical, as well as related recovery and recuperation expenses of the fighter who is injured as a result of such fouling technique.


                 9. FOULING, STOPPING THE BOUT

If the referee determines that the fouled fighter needs time to recover, he may stop the bout (and the time) and give the injured fighter a reasonable amount of time to recover, up to a maximum of 3 minutes under normal circumstances. At the end of this reasonable rest period the referee and the ring physician will determine if the fouled fighter can continue the bout, if he can the bout will continue.

                 10. INJURY RULE

If the referee determines that the fouled fighter needs time to recover, he may stop the bout and the time and give the injured fighter a reasonable amount of time to recover, up to a maximum of three minutes under normal circumstances. At the end of this reasonable rest period the referee and the ring doctor / medic will determine if the fouled fighter can continue the bout. If he can, time in that round will be resumed, and the bout will continue. The scoring of the foul will be based on the following determination by the referee. If the referee determines that the foul was obviously committed by one of the fighters, and that the fouled fighter did not contribute to the injury (by ducking into a knee, moving into an oncoming forehead, etc.), the referee will instruct the scorekeeper to deduct the appropriate number of points from the scorecard of the fighter committing the foul. If the referee determines that the injured fighter was responsible for his own injury, the referee will not penalize his opponent in any manner. In this case, if the referee or Doctor determine that the injured fighter is unable to continue, he will lose by technical knockout. If the referee determines that there was no fault attributable to either fighter (that the injury was caused by both fighters, so called clash), the referee will allow the injured fighter three minutes time to recover but will not penalize either fighter. If, at the end of the recovery period, the referee or the ring Doctor determine that the fouled fighter cannot continue, the scores will be added prior to that round and the bout awarded to the fighter leading at that time. This foul is referred to as a “no fault” foul and the decision is a “technical decision”. If the “no fault” foul occurs in the first round of any fight the referee will declare a “technical draw”. An non-title bout must last at least two full rounds, and a professional World title bout must last at least three full rounds for a “technical decision” to be awarded. Otherwise, a “technical draw” is awarded. If the title bout is justified (number of required 3 full rounds completed to go to the scorecard) the round in which the foul occurs is always scored prior to going to the judges decision I it’s just a very short round or very little action the judges score it 10-10.

Blind Fouls – If an injury occurs due to a suspected foul, that the referee was unable to see (blind foul), the Referee may, at his sole and final discretion, confide with any or all of the three judges and the WKF A1 Supervisor, to determine were the fault may be placed. He may consider all of the opinions expressed by these officials, in making his determination. A referee’s decision on fouls may be overruled at ringside only by the WKF A1 Supervisor and then only in the instance of a clear error or misapplication or violation of the rules.

                      11. THE POWER TO STOP THE CONTEST

Either the Referee, the fighter’s chief handler, the doctor or the fighter may stop contest. The referee or the doctor shall have the power to stop a bout at any stage during the bout, if he considers that either fighter is in such condition that to continue might subject him to serious injury. Should both fighters be in such condition that to continue might subject them to serious injury; the referee will declare the match a “technical draw”. A fighter who submits or “taps out” or a fighter whose chief handler “throws in the towel” loses the bout.

                     12. PROCEDURE FOR FAILURE TO COMPETE

In any case where the referee decides that the fighters are not honestly competing, that a knockout is a “dive”, or a foul is actually a prearranged termination of the bout, he will not disqualify a fighter for fouling, nor render a decision. He shall stop the bout and declare it ended and an investigation will be initiated. The announcer shall inform the audience that a “no decision” was rendered. The WKF A1 Supervisor will have the final authority in rendering a decision on the match.

                    13. GROUND ACTIVITY RULE

If both fighters have gone to the ground and neither is actively working to improve his position then they shall be separated and stood up by the referee. The Referee shall immediately restart the bout from the standing position. If one fighter has gone to the ground and the other fighter refuses to pursue his opponent to the ground and fails to administer legal strikes from the standing position the Referee shall “stand up” the downed fighter and re-engage the action.

                    14. MOUTHPIECES

No fighter will be allowed to begin any bout without a mouthpiece. Whenever the mouthpiece is knocked out by a fair blow or a foul tactic, or however the mouthpiece is dropped or spit out by the fighter, the referee shall wait for a lull in the activity of both fighters, call time out, stop the bout in place, and replace the mouthpiece. Wilful dropping, or spitting out of the mouthpiece by a fighter, shall also be deemed as a “delay of bout” foul, and the fighter shall be penalized accordingly by the referee. The mouthpiece is replaced whenever it is lost for any reason.




A referee, a timekeeper, three judges, a WKF A1 Supervisor, a physician will be employed at all WKF Sanctioned Events. The WKF Head Office will appoint to each event a WKF A1 Supervisor who will be responsible for the assignment of the officials. The WKF A1 Supervisor will work with the Promoter in the assignment of the ringside officials. For any international title fights are only two ways of judging possible, without exception.

A – One judge from the host country, one from the opponent’s country and one neutral referee

B – Three judges from a neutral country

 It is the responsibility of all three judges to judge the fight fairly and without prejudice. WKF head office will appoint the WKF A1 Supervisor for the PPF Title fight. Costs for Plane Ticket, Hotel and food, as well as the fee of $300.00US belongs to the WKF Promoter. The WKF A1 Supervisor’s duty is to fill in the score keeper form, hand over the Certificate and supervise everything and to confirm with his sign the result, which he must report to WKF head office within 24 hours. The WKF A1 Supervisor must ask compulsory the promoter for purse and food money (maybe travel expenses) for both fighters at least 24 hours, by weigh-in before the event starts and hold on trust until fight is over and result is clear.


The promoter will guarantee that the necessary timekeeping equipment will be available whether via arrangements through the Ring/Cage provider or through the WKF A1 Supervisor. The timekeeper will keep the time during each bout, starting and stopping the official clock, for time-outs designated to him by the Referee.


Submission by: Tap Out or verbal tap out

TKO by: Referee stops bout or Ringside Physician stops bout or Corner stops bout

KO by: Failure to rise from the canvas

Decision via score cards:

Unanimous – When all three judges score the bout for the same contestant.

Split Decision – When two judges score the bout for one contestant and one judge scores for the opponent.

Majority – When two judges score the bout for the same contestant and one judge scores a draw.

Draw – When all three judges score the bout a draw

Majority – When two judges score the bout a draw

Split – When all three judges score differently

Disqualification, Forfeit, Technical Draw, Technical Decision, No Contest,

                4. SCORING SYSTEM

Using the 10-Point Must Scoring System, Judges are required to determine a winner of a bout that ends after the initial scheduled number of rounds have been completed. Ten (10) points must be awarded to the winner of the round and nine (9) points or less must be awarded to the loser, except for a rare even round, which is scored (10-10). Please see Judges Scoring Criteria and Scoring System Document for a detailed explanation.

                5. ANNOUNCING THE RESULTS

After the WKF Representative has completed verifying the master results card, the Representative will give the ring announcer the results on “Announcer’s Final Result Sheet”. The announcer shall then, inform the audience of the decision over the public address system. The referee will indicate the winner as the announcer gives the winner’s name. In the event of a knockout, a technical knockout, disqualification or forfeit, the announcer and referee will officially designate the winner and give the time at which the bout was stopped. In the event of a technical draw, the announcer will give the time at which the bout was stopped and will detail for the audience the nature of the decision.

                6. CHANGE OF DECISION

A decision rendered at the termination of any bout is final, and cannot be changed unless the WKF A1 Supervisor at the Event, determines that any one of the following occurred:

  • There was collusion affecting the results of any bout.
  • There was a clear violation of the rules or regulation governing WKF bouts which affected the result of any bout.
  • If the WKF Representative or Commissioner determines that any of the above occurred with regard to any bout, then the decision rendered shall be changed as the WKF Representative or Commissioner may direct.



A new WKF Champion will have the option of defending the title within the first six months of their reign. After six months a Title Defense will be mandatory, if there is more the one qualified challenger the Champion may choose which challenger he will defend against. A Champion must respond to a challenge within seven days of receiving it.

  • If a Champion had not made a defense for more than (12) twelve months they will be declared inactive, they would have no choice but to defend against the first qualified challenger, confirmed by the WKF World Head Office (Mandurah East, WA Australia).
  • If a Champion had not made a defense for more than (18) eighteen months and declared inactive, the WKF can declare the title vacant without giving notice. The WKF has the final decision on whether a challenger is qualified.

WKF Champions must conduct themselves in public in a professional and sports man like manner. Any behavior likely to bring the WKF or the sport into disrepute may result in disciplinary action or stripped of the title. If a Champion is convicted of a violent crime, they will be automatically stripped of the title and will face disciplinary action and possible suspension for competing on WKF Sanctioned Events.

If a current Champion wins the next title in line (e.g. if a regional Champion wins a National title) the lesser title will be automatically vacated with the exception of the British and Commonwealth titles which can be held and defended simultaneously. If e.g. a British Champion challenges for a World title regardless of the outcome the British will be automatically declared vacant. If a Champion moves up or down a weight division and wins a title of the same level in the same style/rules (e.g. if the British Welterweight Muaythai Champion wins the British Super Welterweight Muaythai Title) the Champion may hold both titles for a period of three (3) months after which he must choose the weight division he want to compete in and the title he want to keep, then vacate the other title.

In case of a draw after any title fight following decision occurs: “One final extra round”

All protests over the decision of a match shall be verbally registered only by the protesting fighter and/or his chief handler to the WKF A1 Supervisor prior to the end of the event, who will note the nature of the protest in his Representative’s report. The WKF A1 Supervisor can ask all involved judges, but his decision is final. No protest will be considered unless accompanied by the appropriate fee of US$100.00. All parties should recognize that the WKF has NO authority over local authorities and cannot change their rules. The standard for review is “clear” evidence which would justify a change of decision, or “clear” circumstances which in the best interest of the sport, would justify a change in decision. Any questions on the rules of the WKF should be directed to the WKF World Head Office (Mandurah East, WA Australia).

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WKF Pro MMA Heavyweight (83.9kg-93.0kg)

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