WKF “PROFESSIONAL” Muaythai, K1, Low-Kick, Full-Contact KICKBOXING RULES BOOK (Updated 28th January, 2025).


World Kickboxing Federation

Muaythai, K1, Full-Contact, Low-Kick RULES BOOK.

(Updated 28th January, 2025).


This Rulebook replaces all previously issued rules. It also reflects the official WKF Amateur Competition Rules. Our WKF has “Nothing” to do with Global Scammer Mr Fritz Exenberger. The WKF is owned solely by the WKF World CEO/President Mr Robert Wilesmith at WKF World Head Office (Mandurah East, WA Australia).

This Book also reflects the official WKF World Professional competition Rules. These current rules are valid for all member states. Consideration can be given to local legal requirements and obligations if required. The official language of the IRC is English. This Rulebook can be translated in to other languages by the IRC. In case of any discrepancies, the official English version shall prevail. Without the specific written consent of either WKF or the IRC, this Rulebook shall not be copied, published or distributed. This includes electronic, digital, physical or any other duplication forms. This Rulebook can be ordered free by email to the WKF World Kickboxing Federation Limited Head Office: admin@wkf.org.au. Website: www.wkf.org.au.


Copyright: World Kickboxing Federation Limited – Mr. Robert WILESMITH – WKF World Advisory Board Director.



The Ring shall be a regulation Boxing Ring, not less than (5.3m2) square (17 feet) within the 4 ropes. The Ring floor shall extend beyond the ropes not less than 18 inches (.58m). The Ring floor shall be padded in a manner as approved by the WKF. Padding must extend beyond the Ring ropes and over the edge of the platform. The Ring must have a canvas cove Ring. No vinyl or other plastic rubberized cover Ring will be permitted.


The Ring platform shall not be more than four feet (4′) above the floor of the building and shall be provided with suitable steps for use by fighters. Ring-side tables must be no higher than Ring platform level on elevated Rings;
no Ringside tables will be permitted next to floor level on non-elevated Rings. Ring posts shall be metal not more than four inches (4″) in diameter extending from the floor of the building to a height of 58 inches (1.6m), (4’10”) above the Ring floor, and shall be properly padded.


The Ring ropes shall be a minimum of four (4) in number and not less than one inch (1″) in diameter. The lower rope shall be 18 inches (.5m) above the Ring floor, the middle rope 35 inches (.9m) above the floor, the upper rope 52 inches (1.3m) above the floor. The lowest rope shall have applied around it padding of a thickness not less than one-half inch (1/2″) and of type and construction to be approved by the AIBA. All rope ties will be vertical, approximately 6 feet apart, made of a soft material.


The Promoter of the event will provide all necessary Ring equipment including stools, for use by fighters and seconds at all events, except for those items to be supplied by the fighters and those items to be supplied by the seconds.


There will be a bell at the Ring, no higher than the floor level of the Ring. The bell will be clear in tone so that the fighters may easily hear it when it is sounded.


All Promoters are held responsible for ensuring acceptable sanitary standards be met, with respect to dressing rooms, showers, water bottles, towels or other equipment. WKF A1 Supervisor’s are to make a particular examination at every event for violations of these rules. The Ring must be swept, dry-mopped, or otherwise adequately cleaned before the event and prior to the fights.



All fighters seeking professional status must get written approval from their WKF Continental Regional Director. Requirements for approval will include an accurate, current listing of all of fighter’s bouts, including Promoters, event dates, opponents, scheduled number of rounds, and outcomes. Fighters must honestly declare all previous combats sports experience In order to qualify for a professional status, fighters must have competed in at least 3 approved and verified 3 to 5 round bouts as amateurs. All fighters seeking professional status without amateur experience must get written approval from their WKF country president.


Fighters will be separated by class, N (novice) class to A class, Classification will be defined by the numbers of bouts a fighter wins not the number of bouts they have had. Fighters will be classified as follows:

  • N class – 3 wins
  • C class + 3 wins
  • B class + 6 wins
  • A class + 12 wins


WKF licensing is mandatory for all fighters and Promoters.


Any fighter who is currently under suspension by the WKF will not be permitted to participate in any amateur or Professional WKF events for the duration of his suspension.


All exhibition bouts are not to be considered as sanctioned bouts by the WKF. In order to be included in an WKF Sanctioned Event, any exhibition type contest (point matches, exhibition boxing, exhibition kick-boxing etc.) must receive advance approval from the WKF A1 Supervisor. The A1 Supervisor may deny any exhibition bouts which may be considered to be unsafe (a mismatch due to weight spread or experience, for example) or inconsistent with the general standards established by the WKF.



Any fighter applying for eligibility to compete in an WKF event must be examined by a Doctor / Medic, to establish both physical and mental fitness for competition.


The current WKF World Ratings should be consulted for current weight categories and weight spreads. Current ratings may be obtained from WKF or viewed at www.wkf.org.au or www.wkfkickboxing.com.au.


Fighters will be weighed on or before the day of the match, at the same, on the same place and scales supervised by the WKF. By special permission of the WKF, preliminary fighters may be allowed to weigh in, and be examined not later than two hours before the scheduled time of the first bout of the program. All weights stripped.


In Non-Title professional bouts, if a fighter fails to make the specified weight in his contract, he will forfeit a percentage of his purse money, according to the following schedule:

  • 2kg over = 15% penalty
  • 4kg over = 30% penalty
  • 5kg over = 40% penalty

The forfeited purse money will be distributed 50% to the opponent and 50% to the Promoter. If both fighters are overweight, both are subject to penalties according to the above schedule, with the fighters share of the forfeited purse money to be distributed according to the WKF.


In Title bouts, both professional and amateur, if a fighter cannot make weight at the prescribed time, he will be allowed to weigh a second time, two hours later. If the fighter fails to make weight at this second weigh-in, and these weigh-ins occur the day before the bout, he may weigh again, no sooner than eight hours before the start time of the event on the day of the bout; that is, should the fighter fail to make weight at the original time, and fail to make weight two hours later, he may weigh again no sooner than on time the next day, if the event is scheduled to begin at 8.00pm. If the official weigh-in is scheduled the day of the bout, the fighter not making weight will be weighed again two hours later. If he still does not make weight, then he may attempt a final weigh-in two hours before the start of the event. In other words, if the fighter cannot make weight at the originally scheduled time, and cannot make weight two hours later, he will not be weighed again until two hours before the start time of the event. In this case, if the event is to start at 8.00pm, his final official weigh-in should be at 6.00pm. If a fighter cannot make weight at the final “official” weigh-in and that fighter is the champion, the Title will be declared vacant and the bout will ensue. Should the challenger win the bout, he will become champion. In the event the former champion wins the bout, the Title will be declared vacant, and a run off for the Title will be established, according to the rules of the WKF. If the fighter who cannot make weight is the challenger, the bout will proceed as scheduled; however, should the challenger win the bout, the Title will be declared vacant, and a runoff will be established, according to the rules of the WKF. In either case, the fighter who cannot make weight will also be subject to the purse penalties as specified in his contract and by the WKF. Any exception to these rules regarding weight-making in professional Title bouts requires the approval of the WKF A1 Supervisor.


The recommended for a participate in an WKF professional Kickboxing , K-1 or Muaythai event is 16 years of age, unless permitted by both the fighter’s country of origin, the jurisdiction where the match takes place and the WKF representative. The minimum age of a participate allowed in an WKF professional Kickboxing or Muaythai event is 16 years. All fighters seeking professional status, must provide proof of age, such as a birth certificate, ID card or legitimate driver’s license.


In World, Intercontinental and International Title bouts, both the champion and the challenger will be present in the event locale according to the date stated in their fighter Contract. This date will be no less than 3 days before the event, unless, with WKF approval, the fighter and Promoter agree otherwise. All fighters participating in World and Intercontinental and International Title bouts, and the Promoter of these bouts, will enter an agreement using the WKF Title Contract. Terms of the contract may be modified, but no rematch clauses, agreements between the Promoter and the fighter regarding officials, or clauses that interfere beyond established guidelines, with a fighters availability to other Promoters, will be allowed. Breach of this contract by either party may lead to fines or suspension levied by the WKF A1 A1 Supervisor, in addition to any legal remedies.


Fighters, both amateur and professional, may be required to post appearance bonds with a Promoter for whom they are to appear. In the event the fighter fails to appear, this bond is to be forfeited and divided 50% to the Promoter and 50% to the fighter’s opponent for training expenses. The amount of the forfeit money must be specified in the fighter’s contract.


All fighters, or Chief corner-man, must attend the pre-fight meeting held by the WKF A1 Supervisor. This meeting will typically be following the weigh-in, or during the afternoon before the event. In addition, fighters will be required to report for physicals, and to their dressing rooms, at the time specified by the WKF A1 Supervisor. Failure to do so will result in fines as per the WKF fine schedule, and possibly result in the fighter being dropped from the event. All fines will be retained by the WKF. All fighters, once they report to the WKF A1 Supervisor in charge of dressing rooms immediately prior to the start of an event, are not to leave the facility, and are subject to urinalysis and fines, if they do not remain in approved areas.


All fighters must be clean and present a tidy appearance. It will be at the sole discretion of the WKF A1 Supervisor to determine whether facial adornments (moustaches, goatees, excessive sideburns) and length of hair present any potential hazard to the safety of the fighter or the opponent, or will interfere with the supervision or conduct of the bout. The excessive use of grease or any foreign substance is not permitted. The Referee, or the WKF A1 Supervisor, shall insist upon removal of any such excessive grease or foreign substance. Non compliance by the contestant shall be sufficient cause for disciplinary action, such as purse deduction, or disqualification.


Fighters who are declared ineligible for their bouts due to excessive weight, misrepresented age, physical incapacities pre-known to the fighter, or other wilful violation of WKF regulations, will be subject to fines and suspension by the WKF Disciplinary Committee. Unless otherwise specified in the fighters contract, the Promoter will have no obligation to the ineligible fighters, and may demand reimbursement from the fighter for any expenses or purse pre-paid by the Promoter. The Promoter will, however, be obligated to pay the expenses of the opposing fighter who presents himself properly, plus any cancellation settlements if provided for in that fighters contract. Fighters who are disqualified during their bout for wilful gross rule violations, or unprofessional performance, or who represent themselves improperly following their bout, may be subject to the same penalties, at the discretion
of the WKF A1 Supervisor, with the approval of the WKF World Head Office.



A uniform approved by the WKF A1 Supervisor must be worn by all fighters upon entering the Ring. For Full-Contact Kickboxing matches, the uniform must include long pants that reach the ankle, for low kick, K-1 and Muaythai rules fighters must wear shorts and all clothing should be neat, clean and in good condition. Fighters must furnish their own uniforms. Fighters who present themselves in improper uniforms will be fined from up to 10% of their purse by the WKF A1 Supervisor, and will not compete in their bout until they present themselves according to regulations. Prior to the start of a contest, all male fighters will remove their uniform jackets or gowns, and any other adornments that are not required equipment. Black belts may be not worn in any fight.


All preliminary fighters in Full Contact Kickboxing matches will wear regulation gloves and foot protective equipment approved by the WKF. If the gloves and footpads have been used previously, they must be whole, clean and subject to inspection by the Referee as to condition. If found imperfect, they shall be changed before the bout starts. No breaking, roughing, or twisting of gloves or footpads shall be permitted. Shinpads of soft substance must be worn by all fighters in Full Contact Kickboxing matches, and are subject to the approval of the WKF A1 Supervisor. No Rings, jewellery, or items other than those authorized may be worn. Elbow pads and forearm pads shall not be worn. Footpads cannot be worn in low kick, K-1 or Muaythai Rules matches. All male fighters must wear an approved groin protector. A plastic cup with an athletic supporter is adequate, but an abdominal guard is preferable. All female fighters must wear foul-proof breast protection, all fighters must wear fitted mouthpieces. Fighters must furnish their own footpads, shinpads, groin protectors (or breast protectors for women), and mouthpieces. Fighters who do not present themselves properly equipped at the start time of their bout shall be subject to fines by the WKF A1 Supervisor, and may be penalized by the Referee, including being counted out of the match, if any equipment problems cannot be solved within five (5) minutes of the Referees order to correct such problems.


All gloves must be of a professional quality and must be approved by the WKF A1 Supervisor. All gloves must be made so as to fit the hands of any fighter whose hands may be unusual in size. All weight categories of 153lbs/69.5kg and lighter will use 8oz gloves in professional matches. If one fighter is above 153lbs/69.5kg and one fighter is below, 10oz gloves will be used. All weight categories heavier than 153lbs/69.5kg will use 10oz gloves. The make and type of all gloves must be approved in advance by the WKF A1 Supervisor. The Referee must inspect and approve any tape used on the gloves.


Gloves for all professional Title bouts shall be new and furnished by the Promoter of the event. Gloves for Non-Title Main Events must be new, or approved in advance by the WKF A1 Supervisor.


The wrapping of hands is mandatory , but feet are not mandatory. Fighters who wish to wrap their hands or feet shall be responsible for their own gauze and tape. Gauze shall be of the soft or soft-stretch type, and shall not exceed 2 inches in width. Tape shall be of the soft adhesive type and shall not exceed 1.5 inches in width. One 2,5 meters roll of gauze or Bandage, and not more than 7,5 x 2,5 meters of tape, are the maximum allowable amounts for each hand. No other materials, including pre-made hand wraps shall be allowed; nor shall any amounts exceeding those listed be allowed under any circumstances. Gauze shall be for the protection of the hand only, and the amount shall be the discretion of the WKF A1 Supervisor. Tape shall be present only to hold the gauze in place, and no more than one layer of tape be allowed on the striking surface of the hand and only 1 strip between the fingers not to exceed 2 cm in width and 10 cm in length. The WKF A1 Supervisor must inspect all hand and foot wrappings, and must sign across the knuckles of the hand wrappings before the gloves are secured on the hands.


Each fighter may have three (3) corner-men of his choice, and each cornerman, while assisting in the fighter’s corner, must wear an uniform, must present a neat and tidy appearance, provide a bucket, tape, water bottle and other equipment necessary to perform his function, and fix a place for the fighter to wait during the rest periods. Corner-men may not sit, stand on, lean on or touch the Ring apron during the course if a round, nor otherwise interfere physically or verbally with the bout or the duties of the officials. During the rest periods, only one of the corner-men may be in the Ring at any time. The Referee may, at his discretion, levy penalty points for improper and unprofessional conduct by the seconds.


Any excessive or undue spraying of water on any fighter between rounds is prohibited. Corner-men will wipe dry the Ring canvas in their corner before the start of each round. Fighters will spit only in the bucket, and not the Ring.


A manager or Chief corner-man may toss a towel into the Ring in token of the defeat of his principal. However, such manager or Chief Corner-man must follow the towel into the Ring as soon as it is possible for him to do so.



Each round will be two (2) minutes in duration for Full Contact and low kick matches, (3) three minutes for K-1and Muaythai matches. The time runs continuously and may be called or stopped only by the Referee in special cases, such as equipment or uniform adjustment, harmful injury or commitment of a foul.

Full-Contact Kickboxing

World, Intercontinental, Continental Titles:

  • Men: 12 rounds x 2min, 1min break
  • Women: 10 rounds x 2min, 1min break

National and State/Province Titles:

  • Men: 10 rounds x 2mins, 1min break
  • Women: 8 rounds x 2min break
Low-Kick Kickboxing

World, Intercontinental, Continental Titles:

  • Men: 12 rounds x 2min, 1min break
  • Women: 10 rounds x 2min, 1min break

National and State/Province Titles:

  • Men: 10 rounds x 2mins, 1min break
  • Women: 8 rounds x 2min break
K-1 Kickboxing

World, Intercontinental, Continental Titles:

  • Men: 5 rounds x 3min, 1min break
  • Women: 5 rounds x 3min, 1min break

National and State/Province Titles:

  • Men: 5 rounds x 3mins, 1min break
  • Women: 5 rounds x 3min break
MuayThai Kickboxing

World, Intercontinental, Continental Titles:

  • Men: 5 rounds x 3min, 1min break
  • Women: 5 rounds x 3min, 1min break

National and State/Province Titles:

  • Men: 5 rounds x 3mins, 1min break
  • Women: 5 rounds x 3min break


Rest periods between rounds will be always one minute in duration.


The Referee will, before starting a bout, ascertain from each fighter the name of his Chief Coach and will hold said Chief Cornerman responsible for the conduct of his assistant corner-men during the progress of a bout. The Referee will call the fighters together before each bout for final instructions, at which time each fighter will be accompanied by his Chief corner man only.


No persons other than both fighters and the Referee may be in the Ring during the progress of a round. Judges shall not enter the Ring for any reason throughout the entire event. The Referee may penalize or disqualify any fighter whose corner personnel or fans break this rule.


All offensive punching, kicking and striking techniques are authorized, with the exception of those techniques specified as “Fouls” in Rule number 6 below. Permitted techniques include those techniques in various Karate, Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, Muay Thai and similar systems of fighting. The various offensive techniques may be executed according to the individual fighter’s style or system of fighting.


Fouls may be classified at the discretion of the Referee. The Referee will base his decision as to the severity of the penalty on the intent of the fighter committing the foul and the result of the foul. At the time of the infraction, the Referee will indicate to the scorekeeper the number of points that are to be subtracted from each scorecard at the end of the round, or he may simply issue a warning to the fighter, wherein no points will be subtracted.

Fouls include:

  • Head Butting.
  • Striking or kicking any area below the waist (Full Contact bouts only) or kicking to the groin
  • Intentional striking or kicking to the back of the head, the neck, or to the throat.
  • Special foul rules exist concerning the spinning backfist. As with all other hand strikes, this technique must be executed with the padded knuckle section of the glove. On the first attempt that strikes with the forearm or bottom fist (hammerfist), the Referee must declare a 1-point penalty; each successive similar foul will again result in at least a 1-point penalty.
  • The first spinning backfist attempt that lands with the elbow will result in a 2-point penalty; any successive attempts that land with the elbow will result in a 2 or 3 point penalty, or disqualification.
  • Any intentional Linear, or straight-in, striking or kicking to the spine.
  • Punching or kicking a fighter when he is down. A fighter is considered down when any part of his body other than his feet touches the floor. If a fighter is on his way to the floor, his opponent may continue to attack until he has touched the floor with any part of his body other than his feet.
  • Take downs, other than legal sweeps.
  • Intentionally pushing, shoving or an opponent to the canvas or out of the Ring with any part of the body.
  • Illegal sweeping (see special notes on sweeping in Rule 9 of this section).
  • Attacking on the break when both fighters have been instructed to take a step back by the Referee.
  • Attacking after the bell has sounded and the Referee stops the bout to end the round.
  • Holding and hitting; such as holding with one hand, especially behind the neck, and hitting with the other hand.
  • Grabbing or holding an opponent’s foot or leg, followed by a takedown, strike or kick (Full Contact bouts only)
  • Holding the ropes with one hand while striking or defending with the other hand or the legs.
  • Leg checking in extending the leg to check an opponent’s leg to prevent him from kicking (Full Contact bouts only)
  • Purposely going down without being hit, which will result in Referee automatically administering an 8-count, as specified in the rule on knock downs (dive)
  • The use of abusive language in the Ring or corner, as determined by the Referee.
  • Hitting or flicking with an open glove or thumb, or striking with the inside, or bottom of the glove.
  • Intentionally evading contact.
  • Clinching – holding or otherwise tying-up an opponent’s arm to prohibit him from punching.
  • Intentionally delaying the contest through improper equipment, seconds remaining in the Ring after the start of the round, beginning a round without a mouthpiece or by intentionally dropping or spitting out the mouthpiece, etc.

NOTE : A fighter who executes a fouling technique which is deemed malicious (with the intent of causing injury above and beyond the scope reasonably expected in a bout of this nature), may be subject to bearing the medical, as well as related recovery and recuperation expenses of the fighter who is injured as a result of such a fouling technique. If a fighter is injured from a fouling technique and the fighter is allowed to continue, and, if the fight is stopped later on in the bout due to further damage to the injury, the scorecards will be consulted. If the fighter who did the fouling is ahead, a technical draw is awarded. If the fighter who is fouled is ahead, he wins the bout by a technical decision.


When the Referee determines that a foul has been committed and that the fight will continue, the scorekeeper will automatically deduct the appropriate number of points on each judge’s scorecard. When both fighters commit fouls, the appropriate points will be deducted from each judge’s scorecard for each Fighter. In the event that a fighter commits the same foul two or more times during the course of the bout, the fighter may be disqualified by the Referee. The Referee may also let the fight continue if he feels that no malicious intent was involved, and instruct the scorekeeper to deduct the appropriate points for each foul. No fighter will be scored less than six in a round.


If the Referee determines that the fouled fighter needs time to recover, he may stop the bout and the time and give the injured fighter a reasonable amount of time to recover, up to a maximum of three minutes under normal circumstances. At the end of this reasonable rest period the Referee and the Ring Doctor / medic will determine if the fouled fighter can continue the bout. If he can, time in that round will be resumed, and the bout will continue. The scoring of the foul will be based on the following determination by the Referee.

A. If the Referee determines that the foul was obviously committed by one of the fighters, and that the fouled fighter did not contribute to the injury (by ducking into a knee, moving into an oncoming forehead, etc.), the Referee will instruct the scorekeeper to deduct the appropriate number of points from the scorecard of the fighter committing the foul.

B. If the Referee determines that the injured fighter was responsible for his own injury, the Referee will not penalize his opponent in any manner. In this case, if the Referee or Doctor determine that the injured fighter is unable to continue, he will lose by technical knockout.

C. If the Referee determines that there was no fault attributable to either fighter (that the injury was caused by both fighters, so called clash), the Referee will allow the injured fighter 3 minutes time to recover but will not penalize either fighter. If, at the end of the recovery period, the Referee or the Ring Doctor determine that the fouled fighter cannot continue, the scores will be added prior to that round and the bout awarded to the fighter leading at that time. This foul is referred to as a “no fault” foul and the
decision is a “technical decision”. If the “no fault” foul occurs in the first round of any fight the Referee will declare a “technical draw”. An non-Title bout must last at least two full rounds, and a professional World Title bout must last at least three full rounds for a “technical decision” to be awarded. Otherwise, a “technical draw” is awarded.

D. If the Title bout is justified (number of required 3 full rounds completed to go to the scorecard) the round in which the foul occurs is always scored prior to going to the judge’s decision I it’s just a very short round or very little action the judges score it 10-10.

E. Blind Fouls – If an injury occurs due to a suspected foul, that the Referee was unable to see (blind foul), the Referee may, at his sole and final discretion, confide with any or all of the three judges, and the WKF A1 Supervisor, to determine were the fault may be placed. He may consider all of the opinions expressed by these officials, in making his determination. A Referee’s decision on fouls may be overruled at Ringside only by the WKF A1 Supervisor and then only in the instance of a clear error or
misapplication or violation of the rules.


In all matches, sweeps must be executed with the arch of the foot and delivered to the outside or inside part of the leg, and only to the lower portion of the calf or ankle. The sweeping technique must be an obvious attempt to unbalance the opponent’s front or rear leg, and must clearly not be an attempt to injure the leg. Follow-up techniques must land on the opponent prior to any part of his body touching the floor (other than the soles of his feet). As always, striking a downed opponent is illegal. A successful sweep is not considered a knockdown.


There is no “Minimum Kick Count” under WKF Ring sport rules. Each fighter must continually kick throughout the round. If a Fighter kicks ten times in the first thirty seconds, and does not kick for the next ninety seconds, they haven’t continually kicked. A fair ratio of Kicks to Punches must be used throughout the whole round. Legal kicks are considered those which are attempts to land hard on a target area of the opponent’s body, with the intent to do damage, or any legitimate attempt to kick the head. If a fighter is deemed by the Referee or Judges to have failed to continually kick throughout a round, the Referee will give a warning or minus point that must be announce by the A1 Supervisor. After the first warning or minus point the Referee will deduct points at his discretion. If a fighter deliberately breaks the “Continual Kicking Rule” he may be disqualified If both fighters should simultaneously fail to meet their continual kicking rule as described above, the bout would be stopped and declared a no contest.


A fighter intentionally avoiding any physical contact with his opponent will receive a warning from the Referee. If a fighter continues to avoid a confrontation with his opponent after receiving a warning during that round, he may be penalized by the Referee. If the fighter continues to evade action, either in the same round or in any round, the Referee may at his discretion, award more penalties, or stop the bout and declare a technical knockout.


Either the Referee or the WKF A1 Supervisor in attendance, shall have the power to stop the contest. The Referee shall have the power to stop a bout at any stage during the bout, including the rest periods, if he considers it too one-sided, or that either fighter is in such condition that to continue might subject him to serious injury. In either case, the Referee shall have the power to render a judgment. Should both fighters be in such condition that to continue might subject them to serious injury, the Referee will declare the match a technical draw. In cases where a fighter receives a cut eye from a fair blow or an accidental foul, or any other injury which the Referee believes may incapacitate the fighter, the Referee may call the attending Doctor to the Ring for examination of the fighter before he decides to stop the bout. Time will be called during the examination. The Ringside Doctor shall NOT have the power to enter the Ring, whether or not he is summoned by the Referee, to ascertain the extent of any injury he believes may have occurred, or any serious injury he believes may have been suffered by a fighter. The Doctor shall notice his desire to see the injured fighter from outside of the Ring, only by instructing the WKF A1 Supervisor or time keeper to have the bell rung. The Ringing of a bell, thus ordered mid-round, shall signal the Referee to temporarily stop the bout for an urgent medical examination. Time will be called during the examination. Time for examination is maximum of three minutes, than the Referee decide to terminate the fight or not. The Referee can – but must not – follow the advice of the match Doctor. If he follows the Doctor’s advice and the fight is terminated, the decision is D.O.D. Only the Referee and WKF A1 Supervisor have the power to terminate the bout, and should the physician or match Doctor request termination for medical reasons, the Referee must decide to terminate the bout or not. The Referee shall have the sole power to render a judgment in the event of termination.


No fighter will be permitted to begin any round without a mouthpiece. Failure to begin a round with the mouthpiece inserted shall be deemed by the Referee to be “delay of bout” foul, and shall draw a warning or penalization as determined by the Referee. In professional whenever the mouthpiece is knocked out by a fair blow or a foul tactic, or however the mouthpiece is dropped or spit out by the fighter, the Referee shall stop the bout and call time out, and allowing the fighters’ seconds to clean off and replace the mouthpiece. Wilful dropping, or spitting out of the mouthpiece by a fighter, shall also be deemed as a “delay of bout” foul, and the fighter must be penalized with a minus point by the Referee. In professional bouts, the mouthpiece is replaced whenever it is lost for any reason.


In any case where the Referee decides that the fighters are not honestly competing, that a knockout is a “dive”, or a foul is actually prearranged termination of the bout, he will not finish the knockdown count, nor disqualify a fighter for fouling, nor render a decision. He shall stop the bout and declare it ended, not later than before the end of the last round, and order purses of both fighters held pending investigation and disposition for the funds by WKF. The announcer shall inform the audience that a “no decision” was rendered. The WKF A1 Supervisor will have the final authority in rendering a decision on the match, including dispensation of purse monies.


No fighter shall leave the Ring during the one-minute rest period between rounds. Should a fighter not come out of his corner when the bell sounds at the commencement of a round, the Referee will begin counting as though the fighter were knocked down, and the scoring judges will consider the situation as an actual knockdown when scoring the round. At the conclusion of the count, should the fighter fail or refuse to resume fighting, the Referee will award a technical knockout to his opponent, unless the circumstances indicate to the Referee the need for an investigation or disciplinary action, in which event the Referee will not make a decision, and will order the purse or purses of either one or both fighters withheld.


Before a fallen fighter resumes fighting after having been knocked down, or having slipped or fallen to the canvas, the Referee will wipe the fighter’s gloves free of any dirt or moisture.


When a fighter is knocked down, the Referee will send the standing fighter to the furthest neutral corner of the Ring, pointing to that corner. He will start the count holding up fingers in front of the face of fighter who was knocked down. If a fighter is knocked down, the Referee will begin a mandatory eight count. If the fighter then appears able to continue, he will allow the bout to resume. The Referee’s count is the only official count. The Referee shall not count past eight if a fighter has risen to his feet. A fighter may not be saved by the bell, even in the last round. However, if the bell sounds, ending a round sounds before a fighter begins to fall, the fighter will be allowed to return to his corner, being helped, if necessary, by only one of his seconds. Should the opponent fail to stay in the furthest neutral corner, the Referee will cease counting until he has returned to it, and then resume the count at the point from which it was interrupted. If the fighter does not rise before the count of eight, he will be declared knocked out and the bout will be awarded to his opponent. If, in the Referee’s opinion, the downed fighter will not be able to rise by the count of eight, and he believes the fighter requires more immediate attention, he may signal the end of the bout before the count of ten by waving his arms in front of his face and immediately summoning the fighter’s corner personnel and the Ring physician to attend the down fighter. A fighter will be declared knocked down if any portion of his body, other than his feet, touch the floor. A fighter will not be declared knocked down if he is pushed or accidentally slips to the floor.

The decision as to whether a contestant as been pushed or slipped to the floor, rather than being knocked down, will be made by the Referee. If the fighter taking the count is still down when the Referee calls the count of eight, the Referee will wave both arms to indicate that he has been knocked out, and will signal that the opponent is the winner. A round’s ending before the Referee reaches the count of eight, or a towel thrown in the Ring from the corner man, will have no beaRing of the count; there is no saving by the bell or towel. In all bouts, the fallen fighter must rise before the count of eight to avoid being knocked out. The Referee may determine during the rest period between rounds, that a fighter is unable to continue the bout safely and is thus the loser of the bout by technical knockout. The Referee may, at his discretion, request that the Ringside Doctor examine a fighter during the bout. Should the examination occur during the course of a round, the clock shall be stopped until the examination is completed. Time for examination is maximum of three minutes, than he must terminate the fight. The Referee will declare the match D.O.D. “Doctors decision” If both fighters go down simultaneously, counting will be continued as long as one of them is down. If both fighters remain down until the count of eight, the bout will be stopped, and the decision will be a technical draw. If one fighter rises before the count of eight, and the other fighter remains down, the first fighter to rise shall be declared the winner by knockout. If both fighters rise before the count of eight, the round will continue.


Should a fighter who is knocked down rise before the count of eight is reached, and go down immediately without being struck, the Referee shall resume the count where it was left off. If the fighter is standing for more than two seconds, or is in some way touched by his opponent before going down, the Referee will begin a new count.


As soon as a fighter has been knocked down, the Referee directs the opponent to the farthest neutral corner. When the Referee has finished directing the standing fighter, he returns to the fallen fighter and counts over him, picking up the count from the timekeeper. In other words, if the timekeeper has reached the count of four by the time the Referee returns to the fallen fighter, the Referee begins counting with the number “five”.


In professional bouts, the Referee may, at his discretion, administer a standing 8-count to a fighter who is in trouble, but who is still standing. He shall direct the opponent to a neutral corner, then begin counting from one to eight, examining the fighter in trouble as he counts. If, after completing the 8-count, the Referee determines the fighter is able to continue, he shall order the bout to resume. If the Referee determines the fighter is not able to continue, he shall stop the bout and declare the opponent the winner by knockout.


When a fighter has been wrestled, pushed, or has fallen over or through the ropes during a bout, the Referee will call time out, and, if the fallen fighter’s ability to return to the Ring seems at all questionable, may ask the Ringside physician to examine the fighter. If, in the opinion of the physician and Referee, the fallen fighter is able to continue the bout, he will be allowed assistance back into the Ring from only one handler from his corner. The handler will do no more than assist the fallen fighter, and if found performing any other task as are normal during rest periods, i.e.; stopping a cut, etc; the Referee will immediately penalize or disqualify the fallen fighter. A fighter who deliberately wrestles, pushes, or throws an opponent from the Ring, or who hits him when he is partly out of the Ring and prevented by the ropes from assuming a position of defence, will be penalized by the Referee. If the tactic results in injury, the guilty fighter may be disqualified according to the appropriate ruling under Fouls.
When a fighter intentionally falls through the ropes, or was knocked from the Ring by a fair blow (that is to say not wrestled, pushed, or otherwise shoved through the ropes by his opponent), the Referee will begin counting the fallen fighter as though he has been knocked out in the Ring. The fighter’s cornerman, in this instance, will not be allowed to assist the fighter back into the Ring. Once standing on the Ring platform outside the ropes, the fighter must enter the Ring immediately, where he may either resume the bout, or the Referee may finish the count. When the fighter has fallen over or through the ropes, the other shall retire to the farthest neutral corner and stay there until instructed to continue the bout by the Referee.


There will be no “three knockdown rule” in effect in any bout. The Referee will in all circumstances have the authority to stop a contest or allow it to continue, regardless of the number of knock downs or standing eight counts.



The attending Doctor will have a suitable place or room which to make his examinations. His fees shall include temporary or emergency treatment to any injured fighter in the arena or dressing room. The fees for such examination shall be borne by the Promoter. The Doctor to be retained must have been the recipient of an M.D. or D.O. degree, or recognized International equivalent.


A through physical examination will be given to each fighter by the attending Doctor at the time of weigh-in.


Any fighter who has been signed to a contract for a fight at any event may be ordered by the WKF to appear at any time to be weighed or to be examined by to official match Doctor. Any fighter who participates in an WKF sanctioned event, may, at the request of the WKF A1 Supervisor, be required to submit to a Pre-fight or Post-fight blood and/or urine examination for foreign substances. Any fighter who refuses to submit to the examination will be immediately suspended for a length of time as specified by the WKF, and will be subject to disciplinary action and penalties as provided in contractual agreements with the WKF and Promoter. In case of any Title fights , when the new champion refuses the examination has the Title to be declared as vacant immediately.


Should any fighter examined prove unfit for competition, the fighter must be rejected, and an immediate report of the fact made to the Promoter and the WKF A1 Supervisor. The examining Doctor will, one hour before the start of any event, clarify in writing to the WKF A1 Supervisor that the fighters are in good physical condition.


Whenever a fighter, because of injury or illness, is unable to take part in a Title bout for which he is under contract, he or his manager must immediately report the fact to the WKF head office and the Promoter. The fighter will then submit to an examination by a Doctor. The examination fee of the Doctor is to be paid by the fighter, or the Promoter, if the latter requests an examination.


At least one licensed Doctor, possessing an M.D. or equivalent degree, and recommended one standby emergency mobile unit, must be in attendance at all WKF sanctioned events. The mobile unit must include a full range of resuscitative equipment and be parked inside or adjacent to an entrance of the building hosting the event. The physician must sit at immediate Ringside throughout the duration of the bouts. A stretcher and oxygen tank, should be readily available at Ringside. No bout will be allowed to proceed unless the Doctor is in his seat. The Doctor shall not leave until after the decision in the final bout. He shall be prepared to assist if any serious emergency arises, and will render temporary or emergency treatments for cuts or minor injuries sustained by the fighters. Under no circumstances are the fighters corner-men permitted to enter the Ring, or to attend to a fighter in any manner whatsoever, during the course of a round. The Ringside Doctor cannot attend to an injured fighter during the course of a fight, but can only render a professional opinion as to whether or not an injured fighter can resume the bout.


All attending physicians must report all cases in which the fighters have been injured during a bout, or have applied for medical aid after an event. If a fighter has suffered a knockout, or any other severe injuries, whether in or out of the Ring, and whether or not connected with Kickboxing, K-1 or Muaythai, and has on such account been treated by his personal Doctor or has been hospitalized, he and his manager should promptly submit to the WKF a full report from such Doctor or hospital.


Fighters who have been knocked out will be kept lying down until they have recovered. When a fighter is knocked out, no one will touch him except the Referee or Chief corner-man, who will remove his mouthpiece, until the Ringside Doctor enters the Ring and personally attends the fallen fighter and issues such instructions as he sees fit to the fighter’s Corner-men. If a fighter suffers an injury, has been knocked out, or has participated in an unusually punishing bout, or if a technical knockout decision has been rendered against him by the Referee, such fighter will be placed on the ill and unavailable list for such period of time as may be recommended by any Doctor who may examine him. A fighter who loses a bout by knockout will be suspended from competition by the WKF for a minimum of 30 days. If a fighter is stopped by the Referee for any reason including a fighter abandoning the match the fighter will be suspended from competition by the WKF for a minimum of 30 days.


Any fighter rejected by an examining Doctor will be suspended until it is shown that he is fit for further competition. In case of “head knock-out” or TKO head the minimum suspension is for four weeks. If the fighter get a second “head knock-out” or TKO in a period of following six months the minimum suspension is for three month. In case of a third “head knock-out” or TKO the minimum suspension is for twelve month. Any suspension must be compulsory registered in the WKF Sport book ( fighter license). Any fighter suspended for his medical protection, or suspended for a hard fight will take the same examination as required for the eligibility physical, except as directed by the WKF. The Doctor may require any other procedures, including an electroencephalogram (EEG) or CT Scan, if indicated.


Unless special approval is obtained from the WKF A1 Supervisor, if a fighter has competed anywhere in a bout lasting one full round or more, he will not be allowed to fight again until one full week has elapsed.


Use by a fighter of any of the Banned listed substances, or any other drugs, will result in disqualification from his bout, and fines and suspension by the WKF head office.


The use during a bout of Monsel’s Solution, or any similar drug or compound for the stopping of haemorrhage in the Ring, is prohibited. Only such preparations as are approved by the WKF may be used to stop haemorrhage in the Ring. Concussion is an approved haemorrhage stopper.



A Referee, three scoring judges, one timekeeper, one scorekeeper, WKF A1 Supervisor and a Doctor, will be employed at all WKF sanctioned events. All WKF officials must be WKF certified. The WKF head office will appoint to each event a WKF A1 Supervisor who will be responsible for the assignment of the Referee and the judges. The WKF Representative will work with the Promoter in the assignment of the other Ringside officials, but the final authority for the selection and appointment of all Ringside officials shall rest with the WKF. For any International Title fights are only two ways of judging possible, without exception.

  • A one judge from the host country, one from the opponent’s country and one neutral Referee
  • B three judges from a neutral country

It is the responsibility of all three judges to judge the fight fairly and without prejudice. WKF head office will appoint the A1 Supervisor for the PPF Title fight. Costs for air ticket, Hotel and food as well as the fee of $300.00US belongs to the Promoter.
The A1 Supervisor’s duty is to fill in the score keeper form, hand over the certificate and supervise everything and to confirm with his sign the result, which he must report to WKF head office within 24 hours. The A1 Supervisor must ask compulsory the Promoter for purse and food money (maybe travel expenses) for both fighters at least 24 hours, by weigh-in before the event starts and hold on trust until fight is over and result is clear.


All necessary sounding and recording equipment will be provided to the timekeeper by the Promoter.


The timekeeper will give the appropriate signal for the starting and ending of each round. He will keep the time during each round, starting and stopping the official clock, for time-outs designated to him by the Referee. He will keep the time during the rest period for each round according to the schedule. Ten seconds before the beginning and ending of each round, the timekeeper will give warning to the handlers of the fighters by suitable signal.



a) The number of clean Kickboxing techniques striking a legitimate target or used successfully against an opponent Kickboxing techniques include all punching techniques connecting with the knuckle part of the glove, all kicks, roundhouse front, side, spinning, back, jump connecting with the instep, heel, ball or side of the foot and the shin. Legitimate targets include all areas of the body above the waist except the spine neck or back of the head. Under Low-Kick Kickboxing Rules, Low-Kicks are allowed to the inside and outside of the calf and thigh, and NOT below the knees. With regards to the CKR rule faints and flicks kicks do not count. Kicks that are attempted real attacks but are blocked or deflected do count.
b) The kicker will always have the advantage If one contestant attempts to score kicks above the waist and the other opponent only uses boxing techniques, the Kicker must have the advantage and win the round.

Note: The winner of a bout is the competitor who successfully delivers more effective techniques than their opponent whether moving forwards, backwards, sideways or against the ropes. If the number of strikes scored by each competitor is equal, and one competitor was clearly more proactive in attempting above the waist kicking to attack during the bout, they should win the round.
If the number of strikes scored by each competitor is equal and no contestant has clearly attacked more, the contestant who shows better offensive skill or counterattacking skills wins the round. If contestants are otherwise equal and one contestant clearly fouls consistently, that contestant who violates the rules loses the round. If both contestants score an equal number of strikes, the contestant who lands more effective or damaging strikes should be awarded the round. The three scoring judges of a bout will select a winner of each round at the end of each round, marking their scorecards accordingly. These scorecards will be collected, and tabulated at the end of each round by the scorekeeper. Once scorecards have been marked by the respective scoring judges, no changes of the scorecards will be allowed except at the express direction of the WKF A1 Supervisor. Scoring judges score all rounds by recording a score of ten points for the winner of each round, and a score of not less than six points for the loser of each round.

  • 10-10 Indicates and even round. Neither fighter distinguished himself as being a more effective fighter than the other. In addition, the fighters appeared equal in the other areas that may be used to break an even round, such as opponent control, Ring strategy, and overall conditioning and abilities.
  • 10-9 Indicates one fighter distinguished himself as the more effective fighter during the round, as described above. This score is used often, and indicates an obvious margin between the fighters.
  • 10-8 Used sparingly, but indicates a round in which one fighter was in constant control, and unquestionably outclassed his opponent. This fighter must also have obviously stunned his opponent, usually including at least one knockdown or standing 8-count. If there were no knockdowns or standing 8-counts, there must still have been enough damage done to indicate that at least one of these occurrences was imminent.
  • 10-7 Very seldom used. Indicates total domination by one fighter to the point of the Referee nearly stopping the bout. The losing fighter must have been completely dominated and controlled, generally including at least two knockdowns or standing 8-count.
  • Points shall be totalled on each judge’s scorecard to determine that judge’s selection of a winner. Each judge’s selection will count as one vote towards determining the overall winner of the bout.

All possible decisions in Rule Book No.11. Should it be necessary to substitute a judge during a match due to sickness, the scores will stand for the rounds already completed. A substitute judge, appointed by the WKF A1 Supervisor, will score the remaining rounds of the match. Should a tiebreaker be required, the WKF A1 Supervisor will make the tiebreaking vote on the basis of his perception of the match as a whole. This vote will only be used when the score of the substituted judge turns out to be a draw.


The use of “clickers”, point adding machines, is high recommended. Violation of WKF rules and regulations, or infringements of the unwritten laws of good sportsmanship and fair play may lead to a Warning or Disqualification for a shorter or longer duration of time, depending on the seriousness of the violation or infringement. During the rounds neither of the Seconds may enter the Ring, or in any other manner hinder or disturb the proper proceeding of the fight.

Legal Techniques in Full-Contact Kickboxing

1. All forms of Boxing in combination with kicks above the waist to the body and the head. The use of “Spinning Back Fist” only with focus on the opponent, in all Ring divisions.
2. Rear (reverse) kicks to the body or the head, spinning back kicks to the body and to the head with Full-Contact to knock out the opponent. Foot sweeps are permitted.

The Judges shall base their evaluation of the fight on the following guidelines:
Best technique / Effective Parries and Counterattacks / Best combinations / Fighting spirit and initiative / Good sportsmanship and fair play / Number of clean hits scored / Number of minus points and Knockdowns / Defence / Ring-Craft / Fitness. To score points all effective legal kicks or punches must hit directly without being blocked or parried on any legal area. For punches and blows the technique must be delivered with the striking zone of the closed glove.

AGAIN: The kicker will always have the Advantage

If an official warning was given because of a “foul”, the Judges shall immediately mark these warnings with the letter W (for warning) under “fouls” on the scorecard to indicate that the Fighter has received a Warning. If an official Minus Point was given because of a “foul” and not just a warning, each Judge must deduct 1 point from the scorecard of the involved fighter, immediately when the round is over. (i.e. 10:9 assuming neither Fighter dominated).

The Judges shall always mark these points with the letter M (for Minus Point) under “fouls” on the scorecard to indicate that the Fighter has received a Minus Point. If a second official Minus Point was given in the same round, each Judge must deduct 2 points from the score of the involved fighter, immediately when the round is over.(i.e.10:8 assuming neither Fighter dominated). In case of a third official Minus Point in that match, the fight is over immediately by Disqualification. If a Fighter gets counted, each Judge must deduct 1 point from the Scorecard, immediately when the round is over (i.e. 10:9 becomes 10:8 because of the Knockdown).

The Judges shall always mark this knockdown with the letter K (for Knockdown) under “KD” in the Score card to indicate that the Fighter has received a Knockdown.

At the conclusion of the match all rounds are added up to the final score (i.e. 30:27) and the Fighter with more points on the Scorecards shall be declared the winner. Should a Judge observe a violation that has apparently escaped the notice of the Referee, and if he/she subsequently imposes a reasonable sanction upon the fighter committing the violation, he/she shall indicate that he/she has done just that by marking the points of the violating fighter with the letter J (for judge’s minus) and in writing state his/her reasons for the sanction. This incurs a Minus Point for the Fighter concerned.

LOW-KICK Kickboxing

The rules for this style are as per above except for…
All forms of Boxing in combination with kicks above the waist to the body and the head.
The use of Spinning Back Fist only with focus on the opponent.
Kicks are allowed (Low Kicks) to the thighs, inside and outside. (Tibia) Kicks are only allowed higher than four
inches above the knee and not to the calf.
Fighters must wear Thai Shorts. Under Lowkick rules, leg checking is allowed within the parameters defined by
the rules that govern leg kicks and strategies for blocking with the legs. No front kicks to the legs allowed.

K-1 Kickboxing

The rules for this style are as per above except for…

a) K-1 Rules is where low kick and Muaythai meet, striking technique from both arts are allowed except elbow and forearm. Legitimate targets include all areas of the body except the groin, spine neck or back of the head.
b) All techniques score equality.

All striking techniques will score the same whether a punch knee or kick to the legs or body, only the more effective or damaging techniques score higher. Under k-1 rules low kicks are allowed to the inside and outside of the calf and thigh, AND below the knee joints. Note: Clinching is limited and must include effective attack, only one knee strike is possible, than both fighters must step back or the Referee will break the fight. Neck wrestling without attempt to attack will not score.

MUAYTHAI Kickboxing

The rules for this style are as per above except for…

a) The number of clean Muaythai techniques striking a legitimate target or used successfully against an opponent Muaythai techniques include all punching techniques using the fist and forearm, all elbow strikes, all knee strikes, round kicks, front, side and back push kicks and Muaythai throws. Legitimate targets include all areas of the body except deliberately striking the groin area, the tibia (shin) when used in a blocking action and the forearm again used in a blocking action. Under Thai Boxing rules low kicks are allowed to the inside and outside of the calf and thigh, AND below the knee joints. Note: Kicks to the upper arm score , but Kicks and knees to the back do not score.
b) The effectiveness of the techniques.

Effective techniques are defined as Muaythai techniques delivered on balance and have a physical effect on a competitor. To be considered effective techniques (strikes or throwing actions) need:

a) To cause a loss of a competitor’s balanced position (they are moved physically either due to the power of the strike, good timing or because of a competitor’s loss of balance) or

b) cause them to show physical or psychological distress (showing fear or pain).
c) Round kicks delivered with force cleanly hitting the body or neck are considered effective even without causing loss of position, similarly straight knee strikes or circle knees delivered with force and striking with the point of the knee also are considered effective without obvious effect
d) Elbow strikes that cut are considered effective without any other obvious effect.
e) If a contestant kicks an opponent on target, but that kicking leg is caught by their opponent the kicker scores a point. However if after their kick is caught they get kicked to they are kicked down to the canvas the contestant kicking their opponent to the canvas scores as well. However, if the kicker with his kicking leg caught by an opponent pretends to fall down on the Ring floor, they are considered guilty of violating the rules. In this case, no boxer scores a point.


At the end of each round by any Title fights, the scorekeeper will take the scorecards from the three Judges and then he will tabulate the results onto his master score card. The scorekeeper shall tally all foul points, having been instructed by the Referee at the end of each round as to the amount of penalty points, deducting these appropriately from each judges score under the ten-point scoring system, and entering the results on the master scorecard. At that time, the scorekeeper shall make the final tallies and deliver the totals to the WKF A1 Supervisor, who will verify the accuracy of the scores. Where appropriate he will check the tiebreaker ballots. The A1 Supervisor will then report the results of the bout to the Referee and the announcer.


After the WKF A1 Supervisor has completed verifying the accuracy of the final scores of each bout, the A1 Supervisor will give the Ring announcer the results. The announcer shall then, inform the audience of the decision over the public address system. The Referee will indicate the winner as the announcer gives the winner’s name. In the event of a draw, the announcer and the Referee will make appropriate designation. In the event of a knockout, a technical knockout, disqualification or forfeit, the announcer and Referee will officially designate the winner and give the time at which the bout was stopped. In the event of a technical draw, the announcer will give the time at which the bout was stopped and will detail for the audience the nature of the decision.


A decision rendered at the termination of any bout is final, and cannot be changed unless the WKF World Head Office determines that any one of the following occurred:

A. There was collusion affecting the results of any bout.
B. The compilation of the score card of the judges shows an error which would indicate that the official decision had been given to the wrong fighter.
C. There was a clear violation of the rules or regulation governing WKF bouts which affected the result of any bout. If the WKF head office determines that any of the above occurred with regard to any bout, then the decision rendered shall be changed as the WKF head office may direct.


All protests over the decision of a match shall be verbally registered only by the protesting fighter and/or his Trainer to the WKF A1 Supervisor prior to the end of the event, who will note the nature of the protest in his A1 Supervisor’s report. All protests for Title fight decisions must be received at the appropriate WKF World Head Office, in writing by e-mail no later than 10 days following the bout in question. No protest will be considered unless accompanied by the appropriate fee of $100.00US, by Title fights $500.00US. All decisions by the WKF head office are final. All parties should recognize that the WKF has NO authority over local Government bodies and cannot change their rules. The standard for review is “clear” evidence which would justify a change of decision, or “clear” circumstances which in the best interest of the sport, would justify a change in decision.



A new WKF Champion will have the option of defending the Title within the first six (6) months of their reign. After six (6) months a Title defence will be mandatory, if there is more the one qualified challenger the Champion may choose which challenger he will defend against. A Champion must respond to a challenge within seven (7) days of receiving it. If a Champion had not made a defence for more than twelve (12) months they will be declared inactive, they would have no choice but to defend against the first qualified challenger, confirmed by the WKF World Head Office. If a Champion had not made a defence for more than eighteen (18) months and declared inactive, the WKF World Head Office can declare the Title vacant without giving notice. The WKF World Head Office has the final decision on whether a challenger is qualified.


WKF Champions must conduct themselves in public in a professional and sports man like manner. Any behaviour likely to bring the WKF or the sport into disrepute may result in disciplinary action or stripped of the Title. If a Champion is convicted of a violent crime, they will be automatically stripped of the Title and will face disciplinary action and possible suspension for competing on WKF sanctioned events.


If a current Champion wins the next Title in line (e.g. if a regional Champion wins a National Title) the lesser Title will be automatically vacated with the exception of the British and Commonwealth Titles which can be held and defended simultaneously. If e.g. a British Champion challenges for a World Title regardless of the outcome the British will be automatically declared vacant. If a Champion moves up or down a weight division and wins a Title of the same level in the same style/rules
(e.g. if the British Welterweight Muaythai Champion wins the British Super-welterweight Muaythai Title) the Champion may hold both Titles for a period of three (3) months after which he must choose the weight division he want to compete in and the Title he want to keep, then vacate the other Title.


In case of a draw after any Title fight following decision occurs:

A. if the Title was vacant – the Referee decide , NO extra round !
B. in case of a Title defence wins the former Champion, “technical decision” (For rounds in any Title fights see rule Nr. 5, Section 1)



Promoters must apply to be licensed by the WKF, the WKF representative retains the right to check financial records and criminal records regarding any applicant.


Event Promoter’s who plan to stage a combat sports event sanctioned by the WKF, do so on the understanding that they have a duty of care in regards to Fighters who compete on their event and they must ensure and safe competition arena and fairly matched contests.


The event venue booked by the Promoter must be suitable to host a combat sports tournament, the venue must have suitable dressing rooms and warm-up areas. The Promoter must provide adequate security in ratio to the number of spectators or the capacity of the venue. The Promoter must not over-sell to the point where the number of spectators exceeds the capacity of the venue. The WKF A1 Supervisor have the right to withdraw WKF sanction if they decide the venue is unsuitable or overcrowded.


The Promoter must hire a Boxing Ring that meets the requirements of the WKF (see Section1) and a public address system with microphone. The Promoter must supply boxing gloves of a standard acceptable to the WKF in sufficient quantity to cover the number of Title bouts matched. The Promoter must supply sufficient liquid refreshments for the WKF Officials Team and the Medical Team.


The official’s team of Referees, judges, A1 Supervisor and time keeper will be selected and assigned by the WKF, the Promoter is responsible for payment of the official’s, team fees and travel expenses.


The Promoter must hire a Medical Team and that team must include a qualified Doctor, a qualified Paramedic and Ambulance Technician/Driver and a frontline Ambulance. The Promoters must provide the medical team an area in the venue to conduct pre-fight medical checks. The Promoters must provide the medical team seats at Ringside and space for medical equipment.


When a Promoter wishes to stage an WKF Title match he must provide the following:
If a current champion holds the Title and the Promoter wishes to stage a match between the Champion and a ranked contender. The Promoter must present the Champion on 60 days notice a date, venue, named opponent and purse offer. WKF Sanctioning Fees must be transferred in total 30 days in advance before the Event by “WESTERN UNION TRANSFER”.


The Promoter may hire a professional licensed matchmaker or do the matchmaking themselves, in the case of Title fights the WKF will assist with matchmaking. If the Promoter is knowingly involved in making a mismatch where one fighter is at a distinct disadvantage due to weight difference or lack of experience and would be considered to be at risk of serious injury the Promoter will face disciplinary action. WKF A1 Supervisor has the right to cancel any match they consider unfair or unsafe.


The WKF recommend that Promoters enter into written agreements main event fighters that clearly state the conditions of the bout, purse money and travel expenses if any. In the case of Title fights the written agreement would have to be approved by the WKF. When a Promoter is inviting fighters from overseas they must provide a minimum of Two return airfares, Visa expenses (If required), Twin room Hotel accommodation, Return transfers for the airport to the Hotel and a cash payment per person per day for living expenses. In the case of a dispute between a Promoter and a fighter where there is a written agreement the WKF Representative will act as an arbitrator. If either party is found to be in breach of the written agreement they may face disciplinary action.


It is the Promoter’s responsibility to make sure the event meets all Local and National Government Health and Safety Guidelines. The Promoter must obtain any entertainment or sports license required by Local or National Government Authority. The Promoter must obtain Insurance required by the venue or Local or National Government Authority.


Name of Weight Category for All Professional MEN and WOMEN Weight Divisions:

  • Paperweight:               Under 48kg
  • Atomweight:                48.1kg – 50.0kg
  • Light Flyweight:         50.1kg – 52.3kg
  • Flyweight:                     54.4kg – 54.5kg
  • Bantamweight:           54.6kg  – 56.4kg
  • Featherweight:            56.5kg – 58.2kg
  • Lightweight:                  58.3kg – 60.0kg
  • Super Lightweight:     60.1kg – 62.3kg
  • Light Welterweight:   62.4kg – 64.5kg
  • Welter Weight:             64.6kg – 66.8kg
  • Super Welterweight:  66.9kg – 69.5kg
  • Light Middleweight:   69.6kg – 72.3kg
  • Middle Weight:             72.4kg – 75.0kg
  • Super Middleweight:  75.1kg – 78.1kg
  • Light Heavyweight:     78.22kg – 81.4kg
  • Light Cruiserweight:   81.5kg – 84.5kg
  • Cruiserweight:               84.6kg – 88.2kg
  • Super Cruiserweight:  88.3kg – 91.8kg
  • Heavyweight:                  91.9kg – 96.5kg
  • Super Heavyweight:     Over 96.6kg+



There is Fighter (A), Fighter (B). Possible decisions are as follows with results:

  • A, B, A = SPLIT
  • A, B, EVEN = DRAW
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WKF Pro MMA Heavyweight (83.9kg-93.0kg)

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